The General Health System (ΓεΣΥ-GHS) is a modern, anthropocentric health system whose main objective is to provide quality health care services to beneficiaries. Main characteristics:
- the universal coverage of the population
- the equal treatment of all beneficiaries
- the provision of a complete package of care services by the beneficiary
- social solidarity
For the operation of the GHS, a Fund will be set up to which the Contributions will be paid for its financing and from which the Provider will be compensated. The GHS Fund will be managed by the Health Insurance Organization (HIS).
The contributions for the first phase have begun to be paid on 1 March 2019 and for full implementation on 1 March 2020, with a maximum contribution of €180.000.
- Employees (1.7% as at 29/02/2020 and 2.65% as from 01/03/2020 on gross earnings)
- Employers (1.85% as at 29/02/2020 and 2.90% as from 01/03/2020 on gross earnings)
- State (1.65% as at 29/02/2020 and 4.70% as from 01/03/2020 on the income from employees, employers, Officers and Pensioners)
- Self-employed workers (2.55% as at 29/02/2020 and 4% as from 01/03/2020 on gross earnings)
- Pensioners (1.70% as at 29/02/2020 and 2.65% as from 01/03/2020 on pension)
- Rentier (1.70% as at 29/02/2020 and 2.65% as from 01/03/2020 on gross earnings)
- Officers (1.70% as at 29/02/2020 and 2.65% as from 01/03/2020 on gross earnings)
- Persons responsible for payment to officers of their intended earnings (1.85% as at 29/02/2020 and 2.90% as from 01/03/2020 on gross earnings).
In case a physical person is not a tax resident in Cyprus, he will pay contributions only for his income, earnings and pensions derived from the Republic of Cyprus, excluding dividends and interest.